ERROR 300: Understanding API Rate Limits for AZInsight

ERROR 300: Understanding API Rate Limits for AZInsight

An API rate limit is a restriction that is put in place to control the number of requests that can be made to a particular service within a certain period.
Think of it like this: when you go to a store, there may be a limit on the number of items you can purchase at one time. This is to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to buy what they need and to prevent one person from buying everything and leaving nothing for others.

Similarly, an API rate limit is put in place to ensure that the service is not overwhelmed with too many requests at once. This can happen if too many people are trying to access the service at the same time, or if one person is making too many requests in a short period.

By limiting the number of requests that can be made, AZInsight can continue to function properly and provide reliable service to all users. 

AZInsight Rate Limits

Calculator rate limit 300 ASINs/hour

When you open the product details page on Amazon, like this one: Example ASIN. You will load the Calculator, that ASIN will be counted for the 300 ASINs/hour limit.

SearchView rate limit 6,000 ASINs/hour

When you do a search on Amazon. AZInsight will display a box that includes product information. Each ASIN from the page results counts for 6,000 ASINs/hour limit
If you encounter an API rate limit while using AZInsight, it simply means that you have reached the maximum number of requests allowed within a certain time frame. You may need to wait a little while before making more requests, or you may need to adjust your usage to stay within the limits set for AZInsight.

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