What to use | =SUM(range) |
What it does | it will add the values of a cell to another cell |
Example | =SUM(A:A+B:B+C:C) |
How it can be used | You can use the sum to add for example two custom costs in columns A and B with the selling price in column C. |
What to use | =CONCATENATE(Value1, “ ”,Value2) |
What it does | allows you to combine values of multiple cells into one cell, e.g., first and last name |
Example | =CONCATENATE(A:A&","&B:B) |
How it can be used | You can use the concatenate to join the brand name with a comma followed by the manufacturer name. |
What to use | =IF (logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) |
What it does | allows you to run a logical test and returns one value for a TRUE result, and another for a FALSE result. |
Example | =IF(B:B<10000,"Good Buy","Not Good Buy") |
How it can be used | You can use the IF statement to compare a rank in a cell to a number you set as the ideal rank of the ASIN you wish to sell and return a Good or Not Good Buy. |
What to use | =MIN(value1, [value2, ...]) |
What it does | allows you to find the smallest number in a given range |
Example | =MIN(A:A,B:B) |
How it can be used | You can use the MIN function to find which price is lower between the Lowest FBA Price and the Buybox Price. |
What to use | =IMAGE("https://graph.keepa.com/pricehistory.png?asin=ASIN&domain=X&new=X&range=X&salesrank=X&amazon=X") |
What it does | this will display a static sales rank Keepa image graph for a certain ASIN |
Example | =IMAGE("https://graph.keepa.com/pricehistory.png?asin=B09HSPT8ZM&domain=com&new=0&range=365&salesrank=1&amazon=0") |
How it can be used | It is used to display a 365 Sales Rank static Keepa graph. |