How to troubleshoot why you would recieve a false postive using the seller restriction checker

How to troubleshoot why you would recieve a false postive using the seller restriction checker

Below we outline cases with an issue and a possible solution when the seller restriction checker can give you a false positive result.


Issue: Extension is showing " You are NOT eligible to list this product on Amazon"  or "Yes! You are eligible to list this product on Amazon"  but this is not the case when I go to create a shipment with the ASIN in Amazon Seller Central.
Possible Solution:  What to do next: Check if the Amazon seller account has been banned or not allowed you to list this product because your metrics are not satisfactory (sometimes Amazon will allow you to replenish the ASIN if you already have an existing shipment created). If this is not the case please contact live help, so we can review it further. 


Issue: The extension is showing "You need approval to sell" but this is not the case for me on Seller account Amazon Seller Central. 
Possible Solution:  When the condition checking function does not properly work it is an indication the extension is not able to communicate with Amazon properly. Please verify all the above conditions 1 and 2 above are met. If this is not the case please contact live help, so we can review it further. 

Issue:   Extension is showing ASIN as hazmat saying  "This product is dangerous goods"  but this is not the case for me on Seller account Amazon Seller Central. 
Possible Solution:  When the hazmat checking function does not properly work it is an indication the extension is not able to communicate with Amazon properly. Please verify all the above conditions 1 and 2 above are met. If this is not the case please contact live help, so we can review it further.