How to update the version of ScanEZ on iOS & Android?

How to update the version of ScanEZ on iOS & Android?

Update on iPhone

If your iPhone is not auto-updating the apps, you will have to manually update the version of ScanEZ. To learn how to set the iPhone to auto-update, please refer to the article here.

To manually update the ScanEZ app follow these steps:

  1. Click and open the App Store
  2. Click on your avatar picture on the top right-hand corner
  3. Locate ScanEZ under the list  UPCOMING AUTOMATIC UPDATES section
  4. Click on the button UPDATE

Update on Android

If your Android phone is not auto-updating the apps, you will have to manually update the version of ScanEZ. 

To manually update the ScanEZ follow these steps:

  1. Locate and click on the Google Play
  2. Click on the three vertical lines on the left of the input box that says Search for apps & games
  3. Click on My apps & games  
  4. If there are any apps such as ScanEZ that need updating there will be a message saying Updates pending with a button that says Update all. You can either update ScanEZ or click on Update all to update all the apps on your android device