How to use the MultiPack calculator feature of AZinsight Advanced

How to use the MultiPack calculator feature of AZinsight Advanced

The MultiPack calculator feature of AZinsight Advanced is a powerful tool that allows you to calculate the true cost and profit of selling products that come in packs or bundles. This feature is especially useful for online arbitrage, retail arbitrage, wholesale, and private label sellers who deal with multi-unit products.

How to use the MultiPack calculator feature

The MultiPack calculator feature has two fields: BuyCost Each and Units in Pack.

The BuyCost Each field is where you enter the cost of buying one unit of the product. For example, if you buy a pack of 6 pens for $3, the BuyCost Each is $0.5.

The Units in Pack field is where you enter the number of units that the pack or bundle contains. For example, if you buy a pack of 6 pens, the Units in Pack is 6. The default value is 1.

The MultiPack calculator will automatically multiply the BuyCost Each by the Units in Pack to get the total BuyCost for the pack or bundle. For example, if you buy a pack of 6 pens for $0.5 each, the BuyCost is $3.

The MultiPack calculator will also show you the Profit and ROI for selling the pack or bundle on Amazon, based on the current selling price, fees, and taxes. You can adjust these values as needed.

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