KNOWN ISSUE - Address on Amazon is not set properly causing a constant reload of the page

When the Ship to address on Amazon is not set properly this causes AZInsigh to constantly reload of the page

Discovered: 10/27/2020

Issue: AZInsight does not detect an address on amazon set and attempts to set an address. 

Cause: Amazon made a change that blocks the user from adding a US address when coming from a non-USA IP address. 

Current Solution: Review the temporary solution below. AZInsight version 2.5.5 will include a fix for this. 

Fix ETA: 10.29.2020

Summary: N/A

Current Temporary Solution 

  1. Uninstall the AZInsight chrome extension
  2. Clear the Chrome browser cache using
  3. Log into Amazon Seller Central or Amazon with a buyer account.
  4. Set your delivery address to a US address or create an address in the Amazon address book. 
  5. Reinstall AZInsight extension

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