On what Amazon pages and URLS does AZInsight show up

On what Amazon pages and URLS does AZInsight show up?

AZInsight shows up on the following pages:

PagestypeURL example
Product Detail Pages

DP Pages

https://www.amazon.com/Propane-Fuel-Cylin ders-pk-oz/dp/B016YLUXLE

https://www.amazon.co m/dp/B00000IWD0/

Product General Offers Listing Pages

GP Pages



Search PagesSearch Result Pageshttps://www.amazon.com/s?k=DJI+Mavi&i=electronics&ref=nb_sb_noss
Note: There may be additional pages AZInsight appears on depending on what plugins you have installed.

URLS AZIsnight supports

Supported: Any URL that starts with https://amazon or https://www.amazon

Not supported: Any URL that starts with https://xxxxx.www.amazon or https://xxxxx.amazon

Note: To have AZInsight work on these URL simply remove the prefix in the front of the amazon.com  or the www