Permissions required on Amazon Seller Central sub-accounts to use Seller Restriction & Hazmat to properly work on AZInsight

Permissions required on Amazon Seller Central sub-accounts to use Seller Restriction & Hazmat to properly work on AZInsight

In this post, we mention sub-accounts on Amazon Seller Central. This is NOT the same as sub-account on AZInsight . These sub-account accounts are very different! A Sub-account on Amazon Seller Central allows you to add team members to your Amazon Seller Account so they can help perform certain tasks on Amazon Seller Central. A sub-account on AZInsight allows your team member to use the AZInsight tool. 
This guide assumes that you have already added a sub-account on the Amazon Seller Central if you haven't done this already click to learn how to create a sub-account user on Amazon Seller Central.

Follow the steps below to give a sub-account on Amazon Seller Central the necessary permissions to use the seller restrictions and hazmat checker:
1. Log in to Amazon Seller Central, click on Settings on the top right-hand corner, then click on User Permissions  
2. Locate the Amazon sub-account you wish to give permissions to and click on the Manage Permission button located on the same row. 
3. Using the table below locate the permissions needed and grant them the View & Edit. (As shown in this screenshot here)

PermissionsGrant the following
Manage Inventory/Add a productView & Edit
Item Classification GuideView & Edit
Selling ApplicationsView & Edit

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Continue button to save the changes

At this point, the sub-account should now have enough permissions to use the chrome extension.