What is Insight360 and how does it work?

What is Insight360 and how does it work?

Insight360 is an AZInsight feature that allows you to reverse search a product title for a match on Amazon as well as open the AZInsight calculator to perform product research.

1. Open a supplier product page (a link like this one: Walmart - Nerf Revoltinator Nerf Zombie Strike Toy)
2. Locate a product title, then hold the left mouse button drag your curers over the product title you wish to reverse search and release the mouse button once you are done highlighting  
3. Right-click to open the Chrome context menu panel and house your mouse over " AZInsight Insight360 - Search selected text on..." and choose from one of the marketplaces on the list

4. A new sidebar window will appear with various results that the tool able to the selected Amazon marketplace based on the text highlighted 
5. Click on the AZInsight icon to open the profit calculator

On new AZInsight versions, you need to select the marketplaces you want to use for Insight360. If you need to disable Insight360 follow this article.
Apple users, please, make sure not to use the "command" + space key on your keyboard to open the context menu. Use the Mac glide pad or mouse right-click to open the context menu. Otherwise, Insight360 will not get the correct text to search when using the "command" + space key.

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