What is My Alerts and how can I use it?

What is My Alerts and how can I use it?

This function allows you to set basic parameters that you want to be notified on when looking for products; you can select any of the options and when you have configured it a red bell icon will show up letting you know that the condition is met; these notifications are inherited by all your sub-accounts. 

You can enable or disable these alerts only from your main account by going to Settings and then My Alerts

As we can see, we have multiple options to set a basic alert:
  1. Product is: This will allow you to define an alert using the Size Tier of the ASIN
  2. Amazon is a Seller Last: This option will show an alert if Amazon has been a seller of this ASIN in the last 90 or 180 days
  3. Sales Rank Exceeds: This will enable a notification if the ASINs exceed the Sales Rank that you set, for example, if you set a BSR of 500; AZInsight will show an alert when the ASIN BSR is equal to or greater than 500. You can see more info about the BSR here
  4. Top%: Similar to the Sales Rank alert, this will show an alert if the ASIN meets the target that you define on the alert. You can see more info about the Top% here
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