ZenGraph is a series of graphs and Charts that visually map the historical data of an ASIN.
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What information does the ZenGraph show ?
ZenGraph displays the following information: Legend: Price of Amazon - Amazon Sold and fulfilled by Amazon, Gaps in the graph are periods Amazon did not offer the product or was out of Stock Sales Rank (BSR)- Amazon Best Sellers rank New Price - ...
How to read the Ranks Drops Chart on the ZenGraph
The ZenGraph Ranks Drop Chart indicates visually the "Total Drops" in Rank for any given time frame and the actual change in the rank between the two ranges in a bar chart format.
How to see the ZenGraph and have it automatical show up?
To show the Zengraph, click on the graph icon located in the middle of AZInsight that says" Show/Hide ZenGraph," as shown in the video below. To have the ZenGraph show up automatically on the bottom of the product page, follow these steps. ...