Why is the price of an ASIN I sell on the AZInsight stock checker show a different than what I have set on Amazon Seller Central?

Why is the Stock Checker showing a different sell price on one of my ASIN's?

If you are researching an ASIN that you currently sell on Amazon and you notice AZInsight Stock Checker is showing a different sell price than what you have set on Amazon Seller Central this is happening due to the following reasons

Reason Possible Solution Reference
The stock check is showing you the Price + Shipping of the ASIN & on Amazon Seller Central you are seeing the price without shipping

Change your zip code on the Amazon.com page to match a location amazon can ship using prime free shipping to show you the correct price. 

How to add an address in the Amazon address book

You are using a VPN which is causing AZInsight stock Checker to incorrectly detect your location and accurately give you the correct item price

Disable the VPN and set a delivery address on the Amazon.com page to match a location amazon can ship using prime free shipping to show you the correct price. How to add an address in the Amazon address book

The ASIN you are on is being bundles or there is an Amazon Promo code being applied on the amazon product page which causes the AZInsight Stock Checker to show an incorrect price

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